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Web Service

Web Service

New Media Services is an online expert. With our wide array of web support services, we are confident that we have all the solutions to your needs when it comes to monitoring your business online.

Through our unique and customizable online-based services, we guarantee that you have the right web marketing or moderation campaigns, thorough monitoring of your Brands online and certainty that the over-all online performance of your business is intact.

Forweb Marketing

Our Viral Web-Marketing solution, spread through multiple internet-based channels, is geared to... read more...

BrandWatch Online

Product and service protection through data tracking, data management, brand recognition and reports... read more...

Customer Support Services

Vigilant inbound, outbound and e-mail support for your web based services. Handled by our Live... read more...
E-Content Management

Business, Consumer and Community oriented website management through a wide range of content... read more...


The internet shopping warehouse that caters to the wholesale web-market and aimed to increase... read more...


Track, view, edit and post at a click of a button through web post tracking. Monitor and track... read more...

WWW Moderation

Live Operators monitor website user generated content to ensure a dignified and smooth web-flow,... read more...